
hi, my name is allie, a longtime neopian that returned after i lost access to my og account and decided to restart sometime in college! i'm an aries sun sag moon that studied english lit and considers greta gerwig's little women and joe wright's pride & prejudice to be the greatest films of all time.

on neo i'm obsessed with all things faerie related, and am working hard on my gallery dedicated to everything cutie and related to faerieland (and a second gallery dedicated just to things i think are pretty!). off neo i work for a university library and have one grumpy old man cat named francis that i am 110% obsessed with.

closet staples


water faerie doll acquired!!!

tooth faerie usuki doll added to gallery ♡

ffq completed + faeriyne was dipped and made custard!


The snow glows white on the mountain tonight, not a footprint to be seen. A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I'm the queen. The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside.

account goals

[♡] create a faerie cybunny 4.27.24
[♡] create a lookbook
[ ] feed 100 kadoaties (14/100)
[ ] create a more custom lookup
[ ] create cute custom lookups for all pets
[ ] character hub!
[ ] typing terror high score






button requests

link back!

other pages

Site Credit

  • layout by element
  • background img by dyeworks!
  • mushroom from sweet dream adoptables.

  • NEOPETS, characters, logos, names and all related indicia are trademarks of Neopets, Inc., © 1999-2018.